Being put in charge of making a bank fulfill the regulations defined by the Basel Committee on banking supervision from 2013 is a daunting task. For most banks it has also become clear that there are true challenges to fulfilling these regulations in a timely and trusted manner given the circumstances.
Banks today are multinational companies active in many different markets; these include real-estate loans, investment products, commercial products for consumers and business, each country and market with its own unique risk profile. New products and services are invented to address new needs. The banking business will never stop evolving.
Reading the requirements of the regulations many questions arise:
What data is to be collected? From where, what system, what spreadsheet, what person knows about it?
How do I get connected to the source of the data?
How can I trust and validate the data, how do we know that it is correct? Can I really trust aggregated data, or must I find the true origin?
What risk model should be used on the data to make it into meaningful information and knowledge?
How do I create a repeatable automated process for providing risk analysis?
How do I know what data is relevant and what is not? How do I track changes to procedures, data gatherings, data transformations, and risk models?
Where do I start?
What IT implementation and support do I need? What requirements do this put on our IT architecture?
How do I get both risk analysis performed at business department level as well as aggregated on corporate level?
The Basel III regulations have been in place since 2013 and banks have until January 2016 to fulfil them. Banks have been running initiatives and have taken many steps forward. However, it has become clear to us through our client conversations that many are still struggling. It has been a painful, resource-intensive process and in many cases the majority of steps are still manual.
The regulations include making the risk analysis processes repeatable, automated and more detailed over time. Clearly most banks are struggling with this task at this point. United Vanning and AnalytiX DS are jointly working to address this whole area of regulatory compliance.
AnalytiX DS products have been implemented at numerous banks in the US and Australia for similar regulatory purposes and have a proven track record in the industry. United Vanning and AnalytiX DS have the process and tools from start to finish:
Source data discovery and data mapping with meta data management
Visual representation of data lineage
Governance and Lifecycle Management with full historical traceability
Integration and automation delivering repeatable business processes for risk model evaluations
United Vanning offers methods and processes to deal with the uncertainties and questions as well as to drive true implementation progress based on the toolset provided by AnalytiX DS to address all fourteen principles of the Basel III regulations.
AnalytiX DS and United Vanning Consulting have written a white paper to demonstrate that there is software in the market that, when correctly used and implemented, addresses all fourteen areas of the Basel III regulations.
For more information about United Vanning Consulting or to explore how our expertise can help you please contact us here.